Staff Override Order Option

This video shows how you can set the order of your staff members by overriding the default alabetical sequence.


Order Override Instructions


The order override function allows for you to put a staff member in custom order in their department on the staff grid by assigning a number to this person’s profile in the override box. This option is located at the very bottom of the persons profile within WordPress.


The department grid will naturally follow an alphabetical order sequence and the default number will always be ‘0’. But, if you want to bring someone on the list to the 1st position, you have to enter a number which is higher than the number of people in the department/category. For example, if you have 20 people in a department/category, the highest number would be 21 and that would become the 1st position and the rest of the staff will be alphabetical.

How it works

  1. When adding or editing a new staff member, scroll to the bottom of their profile and type in a number in the input box. For first position in the department grid, we recommend 99.

  2. Click on the Save Button.

Advanced Settings

  1. When adding or editing a new staff member, scroll to the bottom of their profile and type in a number in the input box. For first position in the department grid, we recommend 99.

  2. Click on the Save Button.